Prosthetic Dental Treatment

Prosthetic Dental Treatment is a treatment applied to replace lost teeth. Prosthetic teeth are designed similarly to natural teeth and help fill the gaps in the teeth. Providing both aesthetic and functional benefits, prosthetic teeth eliminate the patient’s chewing, speech, and appearance problems.
A solution suitable for the patient’s tooth structure, facial structure, and oral health is recommended. Prosthetic teeth should be cleaned, maintained, and checked regularly like natural teeth. Prosthodontic treatment applied by a specialist dentist is a dental solution that patients can use safely and comfortably.


Prosthetic Dental Treatment
Prosthetic Dental Treatment


Prosthetic Dental Treatment, how is Prosthodontic Treatment Applied?

Prosthetic Dental Treatment, prosthodontic treatment is quite common. The first stage of the treatment is for the dentist to examine the patient and prepare a suitable denture plan. Then, the dentist makes a prosthetic tooth suitable for the patient’s tooth structure. Dentures can be made of porcelain, metal, or acrylic materials.
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The prosthetic teeth are placed in the patient’s gums and fine adjustments are made to ensure that the structure fits correctly. Dentures need to be cleaned, maintained, and checked regularly, just like natural teeth. Prosthodontic treatment applied by a specialist dentist is a dental solution that patients can use safely and comfortably. When applied correctly, it meets the functional and aesthetic expectations of patients.
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Care of Prosthetic Teeth

Prosthetic Dental Treatment, dentures should be cleaned and maintained as regularly as natural teeth. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is very important for cleaning dentures. A special brush and toothpaste should be used for dentures. Dentures can also be cleaned with denture cleaners. Also, removing your dentures and rinsing them with water will help them last longer.
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Regular check-ups of dentures are also important. The dentist can perform periodic check-ups and make adjustments if necessary to ensure that the dentures remain healthy. Regular cleaning and check-ups of dentures are important for a long-lasting and healthy mouth.
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Possible Complications of Denture Treatment

Possible complications of denture treatment can include loosening, breaking, or cracking of the dentures. Pain, irritation, swelling, and infections can also occur due to improper application of dentures.
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If dentures are not properly cared for, problems such as gingivitis or bad odor can occur. Therefore, it is important to properly apply, maintain and control dentures. Prosthetic tooth treatment applied by a specialist dentist in İstanbul dental clinic can minimize possible complications by recommending a solution suitable for the patient’s tooth structure, facial structure, and oral health.

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Prosthetic Dental Treatment Prosthetic Dental Treatment is a treatment applied to replace lost teeth. Prosthetic teeth are designed similarly to natural teeth and help fill the gaps in the teeth. Providing both aesthetic and functional benefits, prosthetic teeth eliminate the patient’s chewing, speech, and appearance problems. A solution suitable for the patient’s tooth structure, facial […]